
Certification Test

Que No. 1 ) What is the purpose of Angular's "ngSubmit" event?

A.) To handle mouse clicks
B.) To submit a form
C.) To handle keyboard events
D.) To create animations

Que No. 2 ) Which command is used to start a development server in Angular CLI?

A.) ng start
B.) ng run
C.) ng serve
D.) ng deploy

Que No. 3 ) How do you create a route parameter in Angular?

A.) By using the "@RouteParameter" decorator
B.) By adding a query parameter to the URL
C.) By defining a parameter in the route configuration
D.) By using the "@Param" decorator

Que No. 4 ) What is Angular's "ngIfElse" directive used for?

A.) To define alternative templates for "ngIf" conditions
B.) To create a two-way data binding
C.) To handle form submissions
D.) To define CSS styles

Que No. 5 ) What is the purpose of the "async" keyword in TypeScript when defining a function?

A.) To define a function as asynchronous
B.) To define a function as a generator
C.) To define a function as a decorator
D.) To define a function as a service

Que No. 6 ) In Angular, what is the purpose of the "ng-content" directive?

A.) To create a new component
B.) To define CSS styles
C.) To project content from a parent component into a child component
D.) To create animations

Que No. 7 ) How do you create a custom event in Angular?

A.) By using the "@Output" decorator
B.) By using the "@Event" decorator
C.) By using the "emit" method
D.) By adding an "event" attribute to the HTML template

Que No. 8 ) What is the purpose of Angular's "ngOnChanges" lifecycle hook?

A.) To initialize component properties
B.) To detect changes to input properties
C.) To handle HTTP requests
D.) To create animations

Que No. 9 ) Which Angular module is used for building and displaying forms with complex validation and UX scenarios?

A.) FormsModule
B.) ReactiveFormsModule
C.) FormModule
D.) NgFormModule

Que No. 10 ) How can you conditionally apply a CSS class to an element in Angular?

A.) By using the "ngStyle" directive
B.) By using the "class" attribute
C.) By using the "ngClass" directive
D.) By using the "style" attribute