A.) AWS (Amazon Web Services) B.) Heroku C.) Meteor Galaxy D.) Microsoft Azure
A.) To manage user authentication B.) To store temporary client-side data C.) To handle URL routing D.) To create MongoDB collections
A.) meteor deploy B.) meteor publish C.) meteor upload D.) meteor galaxy-deploy
A.) To uninstall Meteor from your system B.) To remove a package or feature from your Meteor project C.) To delete a MongoDB collection D.) To stop the Meteor server
A.) To manage server logs B.) To create MongoDB collections C.) To handle user authentication and account management D.) To define routes in the application
A.) Client-side data storage using cookies B.) Client-side data storage using local storage C.) Client-side data storage using MongoDB D.) Client-side data storage using a remote database
A.) Meteor Accounts B.) Meteor Auth C.) Meteor Security D.) Meteor Passport
A.) oauth B.) accounts-oauth C.) meteor-auth D.) auth-oauth
A.) To manage package dependencies B.) To define routes in the application C.) To control data access and synchronization between the server and client D.) To create MongoDB collections
A.) Meteor.publish() B.) Meteor.subscribe() C.) Meteor.publishData() D.) Meteor.fetch()