
Certification Test

Que No. 1 ) What is Angular?

A.) A programming language
B.) A JavaScript framework
C.) A database management system
D.) A text editor

Que No. 2 ) Which version of Angular introduced the component-based architecture?

A.) AngularJS
B.) Angular 2
C.) Angular 4
D.) Angular 7

Que No. 3 ) What is the primary language used for writing Angular applications?

A.) Java
B.) TypeScript
C.) Python
D.) Ruby

Que No. 4 ) Which decorator is used to define a component in Angular?

A.) @Component
B.) @Module
C.) @Directive
D.) @Service

Que No. 5 ) What is the purpose of the NgModule in Angular?

A.) To define a service
B.) To create a component
C.) To define a module
D.) To declare a variable

Que No. 6 ) In Angular, what is the purpose of the "ngOnInit" lifecycle hook?

A.) To initialize component properties
B.) To handle user clicks
C.) To define routing paths
D.) To create a new module

Que No. 7 ) How do you display the value of a variable in the template of an Angular component?

A.) {{ variable }}
B.) [variable]
C.) (variable)
D.) variable

Que No. 8 ) What is data binding in Angular?

A.) The process of securing data
B.) The process of sharing data between components
C.) The process of synchronizing data between the model and view
D.) The process of encrypting data

Que No. 9 ) How can you pass data from a parent component to a child component in Angular?

A.) By using the "ViewChild" decorator
B.) By using the "EventEmitter" class
C.) By using the "Input" decorator
D.) By using the "Output" decorator

Que No. 10 ) Which Angular directive is used for adding or removing elements from the DOM based on a condition?

A.) *ngIf
B.) *ngFor
C.) *ngSwitch
D.) *ngWhile